Review: Beast (Six Stories #4)

4 stars. Not the scariest of the lot so far, and maybe not the tightest either (I felt a little indifferent to be honest), but an absolute smash in terms of themes. These books find that incredibly rare balance of entertaining at breakneck speed while also exploring deep, true, sad, sometimes painful themes... these mysteries are more think-y than they appear at first glance, I think. And I love them for it.

Beast tackles the murder of a young influencer, who was locked in an isolated tower and died of hypothermia before being beheaded by three troubled men in the town. Again, these books are not whodunnits but how/whydunnits - the perpetrators have been arrested, and pled guilty, and are in jail for the foreseeable future. But so many questions remain. And Scott King, after facing his own monsters, is ready to track down some answers.

This one focuses on vampires, which I thought would be cheesy, and it is, kind of, at first, but he takes it in such an interesting direction that by the end I was like, this shit is brilliant. I don't know how he manages to use a format over and over that should be getting stale by now - same old tricks, etc. - in such fresh ways. You can expect the twists, right? But the twists are never not satisfying. 

The themes mentioned above: forgotten, neglected communities, poverty, small towns, sibling dynamics (a favorite of his I think), urban legends, social media (another favorite of his), the cruelty of youth, the pressures on youth, the morality of punishment (this one is a bit more ambiguous than the others), influencers (which was fascinating to read in the day and age of Alix Earle), and you know what I also loved? That he clearly did his research on programs for "troubled" young people. You could tell he knows the ins and outs of our social, political, systemic failures to support those in need. The description of Elizabeth's - yes, Elizabeth's - crimes are the scariest moments of all.

I love his little easter eggs too. Who locked Lizzie in the tower? That's - delightfully - straight from who put Bella in the witch elm. Even her name - Elizabeth Barton - could that be a play on Elizabeth Bathory? The initials, Lizzie B., may also hint at another murderous Elizabeth: the one who infamously gave her mother forty whacks. This stuff is DREAMY for someone like me. Please, sir, can I have some more?

Ultimately I think it's my least favorite in the series so far (honestly because I did want more - more answers, more insights, more clues, more details - maybe a re-visit to her parents, after the revelations, maybe a last-minute approval of his request to interview one of the three in jail, maybe some news clippings about "new developments" in the case), but do not not not not not sleep on this series. Scott King is my forever bae.

Beast on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: The Exorcist's House

4 stars. YEP, that'll do the trick. It's very exciting to find fresh horror that uses the familiar tropes - like coming home to a clean house! Things feel new and nice even though I know where everything is. This is not even close to being a good use of figurative comparison (esp considering the subject matter of the book I just freaking read) but hey, it's Tuesday, I'm tired, and we are shooting down UFOs. 

The Exorcist's House is really just like, yeah, the family bought the house, weird shit ensued, they investigated the secret room in the creepy basement, they each started having terrifying but isolated experiences, one thing led to another and sure enough we've got a battle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Except guess what? The imagery is fantastic. The scary moments are actually scary. And the fucking dog survives (thank you), for which I've added an additional star.

I adore short chapters. I love that this book seemed to know exactly its purpose: to tell a frightening, concise, non-show-off-y story that will scratch the itch of any horror fan. Horror creators are especially guilty of over-employing Easter eggs (completely forgivable considering we have to cling to whatever inside jokes we can find). and this book is no different, but the clever references are fun and not OTT.

The ending, by the way, is pretty much perfect. I would've given it 5 stars but I found some of the dialogue - and the quippy humor - a little clunky/clumsy? Everyone tries to find that balance and almost everyone misses, so it isn't really any failure on the author's part. 

I could totally see this as an amazing movie. Read if you dare. Don't investigate the secret room. The end.

The Exorcist’s House on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Changeling (Six Stories #3)

4 stars. Brilliant. I'm obsessed with this series and hope they continue forever. While I guessed the ending early/easily in this one, I was still glued to it and the other twists and turns kept me satisfied. I love that Wesolowski manages to layer horror so successfully in each of these: the outer layer (ghosts, paranormal, creepy stuff) and the inner layer (the worst of humanity). Poor Scott King! 

Changeling (such a clever title) sees the return of King's true crime podcast, this time exploring the disappearance of a young boy in a supposedly haunted forest. He interviews those who knew the kid's parents, those who had experiences in the forest, and others who orbit the case itself. Like in the other books in this series, we as readers circle and circle and circle the truth, edging around what turns out to be a very heartbreaking and personal revelation.

In this one he tackles abuse. It features, in my opinion, one of the scariest villains of all time - wishy washy at first, because he blurs the line of victim and villain so deftly. I appreciated the author's clear sensitivity surrounding some of the darker themes, which rang very sadly true. And I loved the way he ended it with a glimmer of powerful hope. My only complaint is that I wanted a little bit MORE! A few questions are left unanswered and we say goodbye a bit abruptly.

Thank goodness there are more books in this series. It's become such a saving grace over the past few weeks and I hope he never stops writing them. My brain loves puzzles like these and I can't get enough. Bonus points for being genuinely, honestly spooky.

Changeling on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Hydra (Six Stories #2)

4 stars. I’m addicted to these books. I mentioned in my review of Six Stories that this is my kind of horror and holy shit has that been confirmed. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into more of these incredibly fun, clever, creepy, twisty stories. Could honestly be adapted into podcast form IMO, or maybe found footage documentary style? I’d watch.

In Hydra, Scott King tackles not a whodunnit but a why/howdunnit, exploring the case of a young woman who murdered her whole family with a hammer in 2014. He interviews her, her old friends, ex-acquaintances, and people with whom she crossed paths at some point before the massacre. Slowly he untangles the many theories about the case to reveal some scary secrets and her possible motive for the crime… along with those still actively trying to hide the truth.

Oooooooh yeah. Did I mention the urban legends? We’ve got BEKs, the Elevator Game, Japanese ghost conjurings… it’s all the good stuff. More deeply, it deftly comments on things like gender, religious fanaticism, fame, fan culture, cancel culture, social media, tabloid media, the dark web, trolling and doxxing and oh yeah, Twitter and FB are called out by name.

As in the first book, the author also convincingly - horrifyingly - writes about the agony of coming of age, and the sad, sometimes fatal, reality of bullying and teenage dynamics. I just really admire the boldness of the writing about that sort of thing as it rings really… tragically, true.

Okay, so I figured it out before the 6th story. But I fucking loved it just the same. Don’t sleep on this series - it’s like a bowl of delicious popcorn that I can’t stop munching. On to the next and I couldn’t be more excited. OBSESSED!!!!

Hydra on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Hex

3 stars. What an emotionally devastating, incredible, awful, painful, original story. I have no idea how to process this because honestly, aside from feeling disturbed (in kind of a good way), I'm also really annoyed and frustrated with a certain something.

But first - this book is about a small town in New York that has a ghost. Her name is Katherine, and she sticks around because the residents unjustifiably tortured and killed her in the town's original days of the 1600s. After generations of learning to live with her threatening presence, something in the air is shifting - and the reckless actions of a few lead to unimaginable, widespread tragedy for many. 

Being dropped into this world takes some getting used to, but I loved everything about it. The normal that the residents of Black Creek experience is still normal, it's just slightly askew. They use technology and tradition and a strong social contract to keep things as orderly as possible. I loved the sense of something bubbling under the surface; that felt very King-ish to me as did the multiple perspectives.

Odd perspectives to choose though, eh? Couldn't really care for, or relate to, any of the main characters - but maybe that was the point. Other reviewers seemed quick to point out some weird choices re: certain female characters, and descriptions of certain female body parts. Sure, I found it odd but... maybe not offensive. 

That being said.


GUYS. LADIES. AUTHORS OF THE WORLD. Enough with the dead dogs! PLEASE. I am begging you. I love horror, it's what I read almost exclusively now, I love scary books, scary movies, the whole damn community... but PLEASE. No more dead dogs! Believe it or not - there are other horrors. Other ways to catch your reader emotionally. Just like things can happen to women that aren't motherhood, things can happen that are scary and don't involve the fucking dog. I'm livid. I skimmed through a whole chapter, missing important shit, because of this. Sure, I know I should've checked the TWs and that it's my responsibility and my sensitivity and my problem etc. etc. etc. but this is really more of a frustration with the authors of the world: I am begging you, FIND ANOTHER WAY. I wanted to love this book - I was so excited to read it - and honestly, I might have to dock two full stars because it was so CREATIVE and then it wasn't. It was cliche. 


So. I'm giving this book 1 star for premise, which is brilliant and frankly something I wish I had come up with myself. I'm giving it another star for being unpredictable. At no point did I know what was going to happen next or what to expect. And I'm giving it a final star for the ending. If I were feeling a little more generous, I'd maybe consider giving it one more for being, generally and horribly, right. I fully agree with many of the themes, and also admire the way he writes about parenthood, marriage, grief and depression, and also mass hysteria and that specific type of human madness that leads us to turn on each other. God, we're always turning on each other, aren't we? Absolutely doomed.

Read - seriously, I beg of you - cautiously.

Hex on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: The Family Plot

3 stars. This was really cute, and will definitely scratch anyone itching for a haunted house situation. I haven't read anything by Cherie Priest before, but I'm super excited to try some of her other books. The Family Plot almost read like a movie - like a very classic, mid-budget horror film with all the dependable scares and respectable twists. 

On the verge of bankruptcy, family firm Music City Salvage decides to risk it all on an old estate in Chattanooga. Tough girl Dahlia, her cousin Bobby, her nephew Gabe and her inexperienced colleague Brad are assigned to the job, for which they decide to camp out until they can drive away with their money's worth. Obviously, expectedly, inevitably... things do not go to plan. Footsteps in the dust, locked doors, a random cemetery, and all-around evil vibes? Find out what happens when the group does not GTFO when they should.

I really liked Dahlia! What an excellent heroine - I rooted for her and loved her attitude and approach to things. I loved the entire group dynamic, actually... kind of an unusual cast of characters, which kept things fresh and fun and worth the investment. A lot of the details, some of which did definitely bog down the plot and screamed for editing, lent to the high stakes and made the story feel quirky and fleshed out. 

I also loved the house! Priest does an excellent job describing the setting and making things atmospheric. My nose was itching when she talked about all the dust. Seems like she did her research on old houses too, and the salvage business. I feel like I learned something and gained a new appreciation for the worth of old things.

Ultimately, though, this felt like more of a mystery to me, and the scares were just okay - not really that scary. I'm still a little unclear about all the ghostly motivations and who did what/why/how. Like maybe the scary moments were written first, and then the author had to write up some characters and history to fit them? Regardless, this was a really fun read and I recommend it.

The Family Plot on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Penpal

4 stars. I'm gonna sit on that rating, though, and retain the right to revisit it after a few days. I docked a star for an UCD (instead of an UDD), and for the writing itself, but I may be considering things a little too superficially. I knew it was going to be devastating - everyone warned me it would be devastating - but I wasn't quite expecting that. This is an incredibly impressive book. Twisted, but impressive.

Adopted from a series of submissions to r/nosleep, Penpal tells the story of a man recollecting a series of bizarre and terrifying events he experienced as a child. It's a puzzle - the stories unfold in a non-linear fashion - but it comes together eventually as he connects the dark dots. It's also about the tragedy of growing up, coming-of-age, loss of innocence, fading friendships... all that good stuff and more.

I tell you what, similar to my reaction to S2 of The White Lotus: I had a lot of theories, and all of them were wrong. The author had me pinballing against so many possibilities: demons, aliens, multiple dimensions, time travel, ghosts, dissociative identities, multiple personalities, PTSD, mental illness, amnesia... all of them were wrong. And what was left, after opening and closing all those doors? Literally the most terrifying option imaginable.

Yes, this absolutely feels like a series of reddit posts. The writing doesn't feel... the way writing usually does in a book. Also, the boys never really act their ages. At first I was annoyed by it - who does this guy think he is - and then I melted into it and realized the style actually lends itself to the story. I got obsessed, and couldn't put it down. I can't imagine how it must have felt to read this stuff online, and how incredible the conclusion must've been. I'm sure the novel feels bloated in comparison, but IMO the fleshed out details are what make you feel safe before you get to a point where you have to fill in the horrifying gaps yourself.

Speaking of, I'm off to study some stuff about this so I can learn more and sort through my thoughts. BRB.

Back! Wow, sometimes the internet truly is an amazing thing.

Anyway, I'm not afraid to admit I was creeped out reading. This book feels super, super dark in a way, almost cursed, like I don't want to touch it ever again. Like I want to purge it from my Kindle or burn it or something. Like it hits something that even me, a huge horror true crime fan - the darker the better - doesn't want to know about. 


Penpal on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: How to Sell a Haunted House

5 stars. This is by FAR my favorite Grady Hendrix book - irresistible, campy, fresh, full of darkness and depth and emotional triggers. I absolutely loved it. I went in almost totally blind and I know it's nearly impossible at this point, but try if you can/if you dare. Read it in 2 days. Couldn't put it down. And it actually gave me the creeps, which is more than I can say for 99% of other horror books I read.

It's a masterful use of tropes: Louise, single mom and separated from her family, gets the call that both her parents have died in a car accident. She has to leave her daughter and return home to make arrangements - and almost immediately runs aground thanks to her troubled brother. As they navigate their grief and fight over assets, something becomes very clear: their parents' house is haunted. 

Broad strokes? It's a little predictable. But the moment-to-moment journey is sheer, crackling, creepy, breathless chaos. The minute you realize something is wrong - really, really wrong, like more wrong than facing the horror of losing loved ones - it feels like a joyful punch in the face. And it only gets better from there.

I personally have never had an aversion to clowns or puppets or dolls, but I totally get why others do, and now I get it EVEN MORE. Omg the attic noises ("soft thumps") and the descriptions of the dead eyes and mischievous smiles and the whole damn thing from idea to premise to execution was pretty much perfect. Grady Hendrix's writing really reminded me of Stephen King in this book, with a better sense of humor. And yeah, it's fucking hilarious.

I borrowed this from the library but will purchase immediately so my person can read it (he is one of those people who does really hate dolls) but he'll also love it. I'm sure many reviews will touch on the trauma aspect of it all - childhood trauma, trauma as an adult, trauma as a parent, the trauma of having parents who are just damn weird (raises hand) - and definitely read all that. It's important and lends to the brilliance of the story. But I think I'll just keep sitting here cackling with glee over what a fucking fun ride that was.

How to Sell a Haunted House on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Wounds

5 stars. I'm really excited about this. Ever since I was a kid, I've really loved books that make me feel a sense of possibility, or maybe it's like... an open creativeness. Innovative storytelling. It took me ages to get through all of the stories, but that shouldn't reflect poorly on them (I quit my job!); in a way they have sort of served as perfect antidotes to all the life stress. I love horror, and I especially love horror about hell.

The Atlas of Hell - starting off with an absolute southern noir banger. I was into this instantly and couldn't take my eyes away.

The Diabolist - the least memorable of the stories for me, but very cute and the way he unfurls this world is just fascinating and well-done. 

Skullpocket - somewhat sad, to me, but also darkly funny? This one had me settling in and really learning what to expect from him.

The Maw - I can't review this because I skimmed it. Was basically crying immediately. TWs, people! From what I could gather, it's pretty genius in an evil way. 

The Visible Filth - he writes New Orleans perfectly, I think. Solid premise, excellent execution, nearly perfect ending. This is probably the one that will stick with me. 

The Butcher's Table - Pirates of the Caribbean in hell! The crossover I never knew I needed until now. This story surprised me with its depth of emotion and humanity. Cosmic and otherworldly and epic but also grounded in feelings such as fear, love and acceptance. Also absolutely, incredibly beautiful. Some of the imagery took my breath away.

I think it's really important - I should say, to my personal enjoyment of a story - to strike a balance when writing cosmic. Similar to the purpose of the dinner table scene in Jaws, if you're going to go big and wild and crazy and out there, you need a tether to something. Ballingrud does this in a way that feels almost effortless. I felt comfortably strapped in for this creative roller coaster ride.

Plus it contains so many of the things I love: New Orleans, iron boxes, grand entrances, creepy candles, evil cell phones, dark carnivals, rbar fights, redheads...

Highly, highly recommend.

Wounds on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Slewfoot

5 stars. My first Brom and definitely not my last. The Witch meets Pan's Labyrinth with a splash of Clive Barker, maybe. This book is an absolutely delicious horrific fairy tale that showcases brilliant, vivid writing and a fierce female protagonist I loved. It's not exactly subtle with its teachings or its lessons, but once I embraced the flying brick approach I truly enjoyed myself.

Life for young Abitha in the New World is hard - the land is tough to manage, debts are mounting, winter is coming and the pressures of Puritan society are impossibly stifling. She and her husband are just getting by when her brother-in-law decides he needs their land to pay of his own debts. But there's something about the land that nobody knows: something ancient, underground... something that's waking up.

As the summary says, enter Slewfoot. Powerful and broken, this horned creature stumbles back into the world with nothing but confused memories and an awareness of his own great power. Drawn to Abitha and the abilities inherited from her mother, together they delight in the bounty their power creates and discover its terrible cost.

Editor's note: at this point in writing this review the author became deathly ill with a mystery non-Covid illness that will now be known as knife throat. 6 excruciating days of fever dreams and not swallowing later, she returned to her drafts to find the below bullet points which she intended to turn into paragraphs but decided to leave as is.

  • Power is a big theme in this story and it is terrifically explored.

  • Brutal twists and turns.

  • Fantastically satisfying ending.

  • Down with the patriarchy.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Post-knife throat note: I bought a book of Brom's art and can't look away. Highly recommend for interesting background, including his experience painting for games.

Slewfoot on: Amazon | | Goodreads