Review: The Cabinet of Curiosities

4 stars. I am INTO THESE BOOKS. Surprise of the year and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm about to buy the rest in the Nora Kelly series and see where I land after that in the giant Pendergast Universe. So glad there are so many to choose from! I loved how different this was from Thunderhead, with similar history-mystery-mysterious-museum-archeological vibes. (These books remind me of the National Treasure movies, my favorite of all time, so keep in mind I am someone who would be super into them. Right up my alley.)

This one takes place in New York, after a giant pit of bones turns up at a construction site. FBI Special Agent Pendergast takes a special interest in the case, and involves Nora Kelly and her journalist boyfriend, Bill Smithback. Kelly is now working at the New York Museum of Natural History and becomes embroiled in a tangled web of politics, that very specific NY-style of greed, jurisdiction fights, workplace pitfalls and - unfortunately, the biggest threat of all: MURDER. 

Okay - that's a terrible summary. But these books actually go really deep. They're complex! There are multiple characters with multiple motivations and POVs. There are a lot of conflicting themes and clues and avenues for our heroes to investigate, and somehow - though they are racing against the clock - it feels like they take their time. It's a hearty narrative, one you can really sink your teeth into. And no part of it felt sloppy or lazy or worth skipping.

I was a little disappointed with the final "twist" (there were a few too many "reveals," I think) but I was totally glued to the page as the action ramped up and the stakes got REALLY high. I can only double down on my admiration of these authors and I'm so excited to have something that's perfect to read on a plane, on a train, on the beach, while brushing my teeth because I can't look away... 

The Cabinet of Curiosities on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Hidden Pictures

3 stars. Hmmmm hahahaha. This kept my attention - I read it in less than 24 hours; I'd definitely describe it as a crisply-written thriller - but it didn't blow me away at all. I'm kind of surprised, actually, about all the hype. 

Mallory Quinn is a young athlete in recovery who takes a job as a babysitter for a seemingly perfect, well-off family to watch their 5-year-old son, Teddy. She settles in and the summer is enjoyable - until Teddy starts presenting her with some mysterious drawings. Drawings that are way too advanced for a 5-year-old, depicting some very dark, mysterious images. Between a psychic neighbor, odd noises, and some strange behavior from Teddy's parents, Mallory begins to realize the genuine danger she faces, and resolves to get to the bottom of things and save Teddy if she can.

Regarding the controversy around the depiction of gender: I am fortunate enough to not be easily-triggered by this sort of thing. If you are sensitive to such issues, avoid. I could give the whole spiel - depiction does not equal endorsement, etc. and agonize over what is harmful and what is not... but there are folks far more informed and articulate than I who can speak on that, and I highly encourage you to seek them out. (I will say the references to Harry Potter made me extremely suspicious.)

So here's what I'd say: read it if you're in the mood for a compelling page turner with supernatural elements and a few twists. I would barely describe it as horror. I would even put a YA label on it - it gave me those vibes more than once. I think it kind of frustrated me that the first chapter was a real banger, and had me totally hooked before things kind of took a few... odd turns. 5-star opening chapter, 3 star book as a whole. I didn't totally find Mallory plausible, nor did I fully believe Ted's ultimate inclinations. Adrian was too good to be true... so yeah. 3 stars. 

Hidden Pictures on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Wakenhyrst

4 stars. Absolutely wonderful! This is a super refreshing piece of horror that takes a ton of familiar and beloved Gothic elements and weaves a beautiful, textured, spooky tapestry. It's sort of three stories in one, with Big Themes such as guilt, oppression, religion, secrets, coming-of-age, patriarchy, and rage. There's a bit of a mystery but this book is definitely more about the journey - the slow build, the creeping dread, the eerie setting, the rising tension - than the answers. I loved it.

A young girl, Maud, lives with her parents in a large manor house in Suffolk. Her mother is constantly with child, and her father is rigid, repressive and strict. After her mother passes, Maud is left lonely and finds comfort in the nature and beauty of the nearby Fens. But something stirs in the reedy green depths... something old but not forgotten, something that will trigger a reckoning, changing the lives of Maud and her father forever.

There's a whole lot wriggling around and among the many layers of this story. It reminded me of O Caledonia a bit. Maud's father seemed a bit cartoonish to me at times, but I think that's because I can't quite grasp that that's sincerely how men treated women back then. It made his comeuppance all the more satisfying. And I really, really loved the character of Maud. As a stubborn grudge-holder myself, I couldn't help but admire the way she sharpened her resentment into the nastiest of blades. I felt for her and rooted for her. 

It may not be the scariest of horror novels, but it's very atmospheric, and it scratched the itch for me. (And I'll admit, I jumped a few times seeing shadows walking the dog at night after reading.) I couldn't put it down, and like I said - refreshing! A very unique tale. It felt well-researched, and I loved the bits about history and art history and the glimpses of the town and the superstitions and folklore. I recommend it.

Wakenhyrst on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: All the Sinners Bleed

5 stars. Damn. This book is incredible. Cosby is back with a nail-biting, stomach-churning, electric thriller that will undoubtedly burrow under your skin and make a home there. 

I mentioned this in my review of Razorblade Tears, but as a Virginian born-and-raised, it's odd - rare, even - to get to take in such an accurate portrait of my state; all of its pockets and contradictions and extremes and microsocieties rendered without the inevitable attempt to balance the scales. Virginia granted me many things - a secure childhood, breathtakingly beautiful surroundings, four wonderful seasons, the best college experience anyone could hope for - but that shouldn't count towards forgiveness of any of its stubborn atrocities. Virginia is what it is. Many things can be true at once. I hope it gets better. I appreciate Cosby's frankness around this.

But I digress. This book is thought-provoking like that. It’s about a Black sheriff in a small town doing the best he can despite rural resources and rising racial tensions. After a horrifying school shooting, he is catapulted into a crazy investigation that only aggravates the town's passionate residents. On the hunt for a serial killer, the sheriff ends up racing against the clock to catch a serial killer and save the town he loves. A town that often, on many days, maybe even on most days, does not love him back.

Titus - the sheriff, with a great name - is a terrific character. The way Cosby weaves in his personal and professional relationships is truly impressive. Again he tackles so much: racism, masculinity, trauma, change, family, love, tradition, fear. Grief:

"That he went about these tasks so adroitly after staring into the depths of the abyss that was what passed for the souls of those three sociopaths made him feel unclean. He knew better than most that the wheel of life would keep spinning, with little regard to the families who had lost their children or the children who had lost their lives. Waiting for the world to shed tears for your pain was like waiting for a statue to speak. So you filed the reports, you answered the emails. You carried on as best you could."

He isn't heavy-handed. It's just... true. And this time he does it through a religious lens, which is truly fascinating and creates an enormously compelling mystery. It isn't perfect. There's clumsy dialogue, loose ends, a bit of a rushed ending, and some disruptive exposition. But whatever points it may have lost for that it earned right back when it got my heart pounding - racing - on the train. 

Cosby has become a must read for me, and I'm glad many others feel the same. His success is well-deserved.

All the Sinners Bleed on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: A History of Fear

4 stars. What a fascinating novel! This debut comes with a really, really interesting premise, eerie, atmospheric writing and some genuinely fascinating scary moments. Perfect timing, as I'm heading to Scotland for a few days next month, and also great for spooky season. Very, very excited to see what this author has coming up next.

Presented in an epistolary format, A History of Fear is a collection of documents (interview transcripts, text messages, email chains and a manuscript) pertaining to an infamous murder case in Scotland - the murder of a student by a young man who claims the devil made him do it. Guilt is not at question, but the more we get to dive into the details and background of this case, the more interesting certain aspects become: motive, for example. Social context. Religious context. The roles of family, upbringing, sexuality, etc. 

Throw in a dash of academia and a spoonful of the supernatural and you'll be totally set for all 300+ pages. I personally couldn't put it down - at times because it was so compelling, at other times because I was sort of frustratedly driven to get some answers - but I highly, highly recommend this... as sort of a literary effort that blends true crime and horror and personal history. While the themes may be a bit predictable, or dated, or perhaps I should say unsuited for a story that's supposed to have taken place very recently, it is still a thought-provoking project full of conflict and pain that feels relevant. 

I know some other reviews described this as overwritten, or occasionally cheesy, and yes, it sort of meanders and maybe could have benefitted from stricter editing. Couldn't we all? Sometimes I wondered if that was intentional. Thankfully there was always a crisply unsettling moment to bring my attention back and move things along nicely.

Overall: complex, interesting, and very smart. Will be thinking about this one for a while.

A History of Fear on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Thunderhead

4 stars. Jump scare! Turns out my spooky season is literally every season except actual spooky season, which is when I pivot for a second and read a fucking archeological thriller by the popular duo Preston & Child!? Trust me, no one is more surprised than I. I have no idea what compelled me to check this out from the library (I'm pretty sure it was Reddit) but it really is so out of character... in a good way. It's a good lesson: I need to stop discriminating against books like this. It was pretty great. I actually kind of loved it.

Thunderhead follows archeologist Nora Kelly, who, after a terrifying encounter with mysterious, violent, animal-like figures in her childhood home, discovers a letter sent by her father, who went missing years ago on an expedition to find a sort of lost city of gold situation in the American southwest. This letter contains enough information about a possible location that she's able to assemble a team and explore the area, hoping to find answers about her father, knowledge about the Anasazi, the location of the mysterious city, and gold. Not necessarily in that order.

But it's never that easy!! A straightforward archeological treasure hunt filled with damaged, emotionally invested personalities with conflicting agendas? In an isolated, rural, uninhabited area of the country with no service and flash floods? For gold?! NEVER! Nora and her team really go through it in this book (speaking of which, TW re: the horses - I knew to skip ahead, I suggest you do as well), almost to the point of obstacle fatigue, but everyone describes this as a page turner for a reason.

Okay, a couple of things around why I docked a star: one) I had trouble keeping the team members straight. It was like one person too many or something... the authors did a delightful job making them each distinct from each other, but I couldn't bring myself to care about any of them because, sort of like a slasher, there were simply too many for the group to survive. Two) an unbelievable romance. Sexual tension is hard to write, man. Believe me, that's why when you find a well-written example you tend to return to it again and again because it's magical. This was not a well-written example. Three) which brings me to my third point: the way the women are described. Sure, this book was written in 1999. But let me just tell you that the phrase "shapely rear" is now a joke in my house and not likely to be forgotten any time soon. Four) the aforementioned horses. 

Things to commend: one) the authors did their research. It's so fun!! My favorite movie is National Treasure and this gave me all of those vibes. Two) while certain elements are obviously foreshadowed, for the most part the story - with all its twists and turns - is ultimately fairly unpredictable! Three) excellent villains. I loved that it had both monsters as well as the conflict/interpersonal drama within the group. Four) so much great, nerdy, yummy, archeological... stuff. Glyphs. Ruins. Pottery. Bones. Ancient boobytraps. Treasure.

Anyway, did this pack the biggest emotional wallop ever? Not for me - and I do think the authors sort of meant it to. But that's okay! I really enjoyed myself. I actually want to read some more books by them, maybe more in this series? I'm new to armchair archeology but I'm really into it. So... yeah. Cheers to taking unexpected turns and making discoveries.

Thunderhead on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Waif

5 stars. I love books like this - stories that are so different, and unexpected, and full of so many twists all you can do is hang on for the ride and let the narrative wash over you without feeling like you have to work out a puzzle or solve an equation to identify the killer (this isn't a murder mystery, but you get the idea). I raced through it - because it really is that refreshing.

Waif opens with a woman, Angela, upset over the state of her toxic marriage. She encounters a man in the grocery store, which sparks... some crazy behavior, by both herself and her husband, which in turn sparks some even crazier events... I'm being intentionally vague; go in blind. By the end you'll have followed Angela into an entirely new life - a new identity, a new sense of self, new priorities - maybe even a new reality entirely.

"Women's wrongs" could potentially be an entire genre of books at this point. I love it. Angie wields her dissatisfaction in extremely disturbing ways, but it doesn't really feel wrong. She's a little bit... delightfully insane. It's a challenging book, and will be unsettling for certain readers - check TWs.  The author doesn't shy away from tackling themes such as body dysmorphia, abuse, control, desire, shame, insecurity, sexuality. That's the tip of the iceberg. I personally can't get over that ending, in a good way - as sharp as it gets. So sharp it hurts.

Read this if you're in the mood for something that is both incredibly horrifying and incredibly thought-provoking. 

Waif on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: Howls from the Dark Ages

3 stars. This book is a super disgusting, bloody fun time. It seems to me like Between Two Fires sparked a huge interest in medieval horror - but nothing has lived up to its success since (not surprising, considering it's one of the best books I've ever read). Howls from the Dark Ages makes a valiant attempt. And I kind of want more.

While some of these stories are standouts, there isn't really a bad one in the bunch. Each one was the perfect length for my commute on the train. From a medieval perspective, there's a lot to enjoy: castles, dusty manuscripts, flickering candles, shining armor, bloody swords, heavy crowns. And from a horror perspective, there's something for everyone: creeping dread, extreme revenge, body horror, religious fear and trauma, monsters, creatures, evil in every shape and form - fungi, even. And as with all great horror each story explores how humanity fits into it all - its temptations and capacity to embrace darkness the scariest thing of all.

My favorites included In Thrall to This Good Earth, The Final Book of Sainte Foy's Miracles, A Dowry For Your Hand, and The Fourth Scene. Many of the images from these will stick with me for a while. Putting together an anthology like this must have been a ridiculous challenge: everyone involved deserves applause for including such variety considering the common threads plus the tropes we all know, love, and expect. The central narrator/tour guide was a clever touch and while kind of gimmicky I couldn't help but smile at it. 

I'm not typically a short story girly but I'm learning to enjoy and appreciate their value. I'll be checking out many of these author's additional works and keeping an eye out for more medieval horror to come. Absolutely worth your time, especially during spooky season, if you dare...

Howls from the Dark Ages on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: The Last Days of Jack Sparks

4 stars. I am thisclose to giving it 5, because I want everyone to read this immediately so we can discuss over a bottle of something... non-alcoholic (all of Jack's drinking turned me off that for a bit lol. There are some vivid hangovers in this puppy.). 

Phew, okay - this might take a few paragraphs for me to work through. As someone who reads (and watches) a healthy amount of horror, I always appreciate a refreshing take on a beloved trope. This is undoubtedly a very unique, unexpected story full of surprises and wild spins on concepts like hauntings, possessions, paranormal investigations, even a bit of found footage. Expect a crazy ride with some captivating twists and turns.

It's an epistolary novel that features a collection of documents (including a manuscript, emails and other forms of correspondence) gathered by the brother of the late Jack Sparks, a sort of shock-jock journalist intent on disproving the existence of the supernatural. The manuscript (which may or may not be authentic) shares Jack's journey into the unknown after he attends an alleged exorcism. 

I certainly picked the wrong week to read about a semi-controversial British comedian-type character, didn't I? It was genuinely difficult to get certain accused famous figures out of my head, which also probably informed my opinion that Jack isn't likeable in any capacity - I disagree with any takes that say Jack is sort of a rugged, charming anti-hero. He's an asshole, end of story. Bex was also kind of a confusing character to me, and I had some trouble keeping track of the other minor characters (I do love a good group of investigators, though.)

But the journey Jack goes on is truly breathtaking. A little reminiscent of Cloud Atlas, or the incredible, affecting Australian mockumentary Lake Mungo, Jack's story hurdles him towards intersections - points of connection of all kinds - in a way that ends up very loopy by the end, and I do mean that in every sense of the word. Pay close attention; even as things start to clear up there are still surprises in store.

As far as the writing goes, I actually found it to be a bit... dense. I practically skimmed quite a bit, trying to cling onto the narrative thread without getting lost. This was probably profoundly stupid of me, as it turns out the little details easily dismissed are super important, but I managed to grasp just enough to be suitably satisfied when things clicked into place. Did they actually though? Click into place? Who knows. That's part of the fun.

(I looked high and low for theories and/or explanations around some of the more ambiguous aspects and couldn't find much. I half expected there to be full Reddit threads dissecting every clue with visual representations like venn diagrams and flowcharts. Maybe I should start one.)

Overall, this is a must-read for horror fans. It's very meta, and there are some wonderfully eerie, spooky sequences and even some darkly funny moments. I've heard it's quite good on audio - maybe that would've felt like a better experience for me! Regardless, I see this becoming a true classic in years to come. Read it before the inevitable adaptation comes out!

The Last Days of Jack Sparks on: Amazon | | Goodreads

Review: His Bloody Project

3 stars. I struggle with where to fall with this one, because it's so clearly a well-written, well-researched, thoughtful piece of work indicative of a very intelligent, talented author. I couldn't put it down, for what it's worth, and I absolutely adore epistolary novels, so I found that aspect really engaging and fun. But I think ultimately it wasn't a home run for me because, to be very frank, I was expecting a last-minute twist, so I spent my whole reading experience anticipating that and looking for clues.

His Bloody Project "collects" various documents related to a murder that occurred in rural Scotland in the late 1800s. Included are witness statements, a transcript of the trial as well as the murderer's confession and account of the crime. We as readers learn through these documents about the events leading up to the murders, the history of the town, the victims and the manner with which justice is sought. 

I recommend it as long as you go in knowing: this is not a mystery, or a thriller, or even a why-dunnit. It's a piece of historical fiction that offers an incredibly detailed, thorough image of a time and place. And it's an examination of a "true" crime through an almost academic legal lens. It's essentially a long Wikipedia article, and if this sort of thing interests you, you will love it. If you are looking for a more traditional crime thriller, or as I mentioned before - a twist, you should stay away.

Also, I have some questions!! Multiple interesting considerations were only hinted at or barely examined, when they could have lent additional depth to this. Many other reviewers have noticed that these are clever hints implying a darker conspiracy at work, and I'll continue to think about that - maybe even re-read a few passages. The "villain" was a little cartoonish and I didn't totally buy the main character's path from A to B to Murder - do these play into the bigger picture? Hmmmmmmm.

Anyway, I can't not mention the bigger themes: oppression, suppression, repression, prejudice, religious fervor, access in isolation, tradition, justice, psychology, sociopathy, duty and honor and obligation, the definition of "civilized," the purpose of law, the futility of law, the faults of law, I could go on and on. It's good stuff, it really is. I have no regrets and I'm glad I read it. GREAT title, too.

His Bloody Project on: Amazon | | Goodreads