Review: The Woman in the Window


4 stars. I'm so excited about this! I went in with low expectations and got something truly excellent! Congratulations to A.J. Finn for a spectacular, thrilling debut.

Anna, an alcoholic, agoraphobic ex-child psychiatrist, sees something horrific occur in her next door neighbor's house. Thanks to her less-than-healthy habits and a severe case of post-traumatic stress disorder, everyone - the cops, her neighbors, her loved ones - consider her to be unstable and attribute her frantic accusations to drug-induced hallucinations. Yeah, it's pretty much my worst nightmare. 

As Anna's grasp on reality unravels (or appears to, heh heh), we as readers are treated to a couple of classic red herrings, heart-pounding action and some truly epic twists. I was completely compelled to keep turning pages until I knew for sure what was going down. I also really loved the references to old movies - it demonstrated a sense of meta self-awareness often absent in thrillers like this. Like a wink or a nod or something.

Keep in mind - this is nothing more than it promises to be. Quite simply, if you enjoyed The Girl on the Train, you will enjoy this. If you didn't, you won't. The language is vivid (seriously, I might actually stay away from red wine for awhile). It's tightly-written, fast-paced and even if your mind isn't blown, you'll have a good time. I docked a star because there's a twist that happens to be a super particular pet peeve of mine (predictable, yup, but mostly just lazy). 

But ... YES!!! The Woman in the Window, who knew?! Really fun, really awesome reading experience.

The Woman in the Window on: Amazon | Goodreads