Retro Review: Elmet

When I started this blog, I had been posting reviews on Goodreads for about 6 months. In the interest of having all of my book writing in one place, I will post one of these old reviews every Friday. They weren't written with a blog in mind, so please forgive the lack of summary and off-the-cuff tone.


3 stars. This book is astonishingly layered and profound. It’s bleak and intense. I was disturbed and exhilarated. Elmet is, essentially, indescribable for something so emotionally strong. Or maybe because it's so emotionally strong.

For a debut author, Fiona Mozley demonstrates an incredible understanding of language and her unusual exposition, at times, left me breathless. Her writing challenged me, in a good way. It’s clear that Mozley set out to create a strong sense of place, but every time I turned the page I had to remind myself that the story took place in England, not the Deep South. 

I also had an unexpectedly difficult time retaining the age of the characters and the timing of it all. I suppose that’s the price of telling an ancient story in modern times - every mention of a phone or a television feels sudden and out of place. I liked that, though. I enjoyed reading a story that could’ve taken place at any time, anywhere, in any part of global history. Some concepts - some journeys - some awakenings - are universal.

I also appreciated Mozley’s exploration of masculinity, ownership, the connection between human beings and the natural world, and family. And wealth. The different types of wealth; how a milky cup of tea or a piece of white bread or a lantern on a tree can make one rich in ways poorly-earned dollars cannot.

I suppose I need to comment on how deeply I personally identified with Cathy. Her arc, to me, was the most heartbreaking and penetrating aspect of the book. I understand Cathy’s rage. There are times when I’ve felt so caged by the very fabric of my being, forced backward by something I have no control over. I’ve felt saturated with anger and uncertain how to channel my rooted need to resist. When ambition isn’t enough. Determination isn’t enough. Good intentions aren’t enough. Rage is all there is.

3 stars because it hurt my heart so much. I didn’t enjoy reading this. I didn’t have fun and it wasn’t entertaining in the traditional sense of the word. Don’t let that steer you away, though, or take away from the author’s accomplishments - this book is important.

Elmet on: Amazon | Goodreads