Review: Watchmen



5 stars. Definitely not interested in rehashing what makes this classic graphic novel one of the best. It's a masterpiece, plain and simple, and I would say it easily and remarkably states its authors intentions without being annoying. The artwork isn't necessarily to my taste, though it is gorgeous, and there are some dated elements, but overall this is a must-read - for anyone. In the mood for delightful superhero action? Done. What about a philosophical exploration of morality and humanity? Done. An entertaining escape into a colorful and sometimes amusing alternate universe? Look no further.

And pay close attention - the level of detail is astounding. Read every headline, examine every background, pay close attention to the way the Black Freighter weaves its way into the narrative. It's one of the things that makes reading this so rewarding and satisfying and exciting. And it's meta, as well, I'd recommend going in with a basic knowledge of graphic novels, superheroes, and the tropes they inspire / can't let go of. There's also a lot of political commentary here but it never feels heavyhanded, maybe because I'm so thirsty for intelligent political commentary these days.

And it's still relevant as ever. Maybe even more so. Although I feel less shocked with the idea that humans are innately "bad" - and innately fucked - than I did when I first read it. I've always been cynical, I suppose, and so I felt validated the first time. This time it just felt ... exhausting. Like a sigh instead of a gasp.

I'm incredibly curious to watch the latest TV expansion of this universe and taste more of Watchmen's strong, bitter, addicting flavor.

Watchmen on: Amazon | Goodreads