Retro Review: A Darker Shade of Magic

When I started this blog, I had been posting reviews on Goodreads for about 6 months. In the interest of having all of my book writing in one place, I will post one of these old reviews every Friday. They weren't written with a blog in mind, so please forgive the lack of summary and off-the-cuff tone.


I don't know how to begin, other than to say that this book is so weirdly amazing. It's so creative, so well-written, and so entertaining. I was hooked immediately, partly because I was so excited to have found an adventure fantasy with such innovative world-building. Successful, innovative world-building! So pumped! But also because it felt kind of familiar in a traditional sort of way. I don't know how specifically it compares to the Harry Potter books, but I felt that same sort of whimsy - a sort of "anything is possible with magic (but there are rules)" - tone in the writing.

Quick summary: Kell is a smuggler/magician (smagician?) who can travel between four parallel Londons. When a job goes wrong, Kell must flee for his life and face the consequences of his defiance. Loyal friends and fierce enemies both are made in this magical adventure story.

Four Londons?! Of course I'm in. London is one of my favorite places in the entire world - how could I turn down an opportunity to read about FOUR Londons? And a magical coat? Into it. Evil twins? Always a good time. Epic magic battles between good and evil? Even better.

So, obviously, I gave this book 5 stars. It just felt wrong to give it anything less. But to me, 5 stars doesn't always = perfect. Kell and Lila could've used less predictable character development. The writing could've sounded less ... academic ... in places. It was clear that both the beginning and the end had been fully formed prior to fingers hitting the keyboard, but the middle felt a bit contrived. And speaking of the ending, it didn't give me that BOOM, THE MIC DROPPED, ALSO THE BEAT DROPPED, EVERYTHING DROPPED AND I FEEL SO SATISFIED feeling.

But that's a lot to ask. That's a lot to expect from a book. I can easily overlook all those things considering the fascinating magical concepts and the clever dialogue. I will be so happy to sink my teeth into another adventure in this world.

Seriously, it had me at more than one London.

A Darker Shade of Magic on: Amazon | Goodreads