Review: A Cosmology of Monsters


4 stars. Absolutely fascinated with the pace of this unusual and horrifying story. I know everyone fetishes the debut novel but I’m gonna say it - this is an impressive one. I really look forward to seeing what Shaun Hamill writes next. This book just smells fresh, you know? 

I don’t want to go into too much detail (because I really enjoyed going in blind), but essentially this novel - told from the perspective of the youngest child - is about a family that gets targeted and stalked by something ... evil. A monster who preys on their suffering and torments their souls, a monster who eventually meets its match in young Noah. A monster who shows Noah more than he could ever dread or dream or think or feel. A monster who shows him that true horror - true evil, oh yes my pretties - lurks within ourselves. Perhaps even within existence itself.

The writing is GREAT. It’s smooth and conversational and quick in ways I haven’t experienced in awhile. The author captures his characters - none of whom are heroes (YASSSS) - so distinctly, so beautifully, I could actually picture them. The PACING! Absolutely awesome. Untraditional - there isn’t predictable rising action or even a climax, just one long, captivating ride that ends exactly the way it should. And the PREMISE! Oh god, so creative and imaginative and I want my own monster ASAP. A lot is asked of the reader but it never feels like a chore, it feels exciting and fun and delicious. And the fact that there are things left unexplained!! So refreshing.

So why 4 stars? I think my rating has more to do with me personally than anything with the book. I actually had a difficult time absorbing the dysfunction of the family and was pretty - sorry - triggered by several things, especially Margaret’s behavior. About a quarter of the way in I was kind of like ... not looking forward to continuing. I’m so glad I did! But yeah. There is some bone-deep exploration of relationships, and trauma, and depression, and some of the pages just weren’t enjoyable to read, for me.

Ugh, I almost want to delete that ^^^ entire paragraph, because I don’t typically shy away from dark stuff. Do NOT look for criticism in the fact that I was personally - sorry - triggered. It’s not criticism, I swear. But I rate my reading experience and not just the book itself. Just read the content warnings and proceed accordingly.

Anyway, THIS IS EXCELLENT LITERATURE. I SAID IT. LITERATURE. This should be STUDIED. This book is AMAZING. I’ll stop shouting eventually but honestly I’m so excited right now - I feel like a door has opened. And I’m running through it, bye.

A Cosmology of Monsters on: Amazon | | Goodreads