Review: We Sold Our Souls

4 stars. Unexpectedly brutal! I did not expect this to get so dark and uncomfortable. After reading all of Grady Hendrix's books, I can report that this one was the least funny and made me the most squeamish. But I definitely didn't enjoy it any less than his others... it has his characteristic stellar premise with all that random plotting/pacing I've grown to love. Keeps things fresh and unexpected even when I'm like, wait how did we all end up here? Where did this well thing come from? What the f actually happened at the end there?

We Sold Our Souls tells the story of Kris Pulaski, ex-guitar player, living her worst nightmare of a sad life after her almost-made-it tale ends horribly. The members of her old band have all moved on after their singer went solo and catapulted to enormous success, and she is stuck in a mediocre, music-less existence. When she snaps and decides to try to take back her old life with a side of revenge, she's terrified to discover that there's more to the situation than meets the eye, and her own path takes her deeper and darker than even the heaviest metal. It's a good time.

I thought it was a little strange that the primary antagonist was absent for most of the book. But maybe that fits with the exploration of regret and nostalgia and feeling haunted by things from your past - things that are long gone and far from actively present in your life. And maybe the actual antagonist was there... all along. Hmmmm. That's the other thing I would mention - this book is really thought-provoking and interesting in addition to being creepy and entertaining. It's very well-written and reminded me of Stephen King at times!! Badass!!

Highly suggest reading the TWs for this one - especially if you are claustrophobic, which I am not but still got a little breathless during a certain sequence. It's also worth reading carefully for Easter Eggs and other clever details. Then again, embracing the chaos is kinda fun too.

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