Review: All the Old Knives

4 stars. This was fun! A perfect pageturner with nice, short chapters and a satisfying spy thriller edge. I've never read anything by this author, but it caught my eye after seeing the trailer for the adaptation. If you love bottle episodes, ex-lover angst, a super zoomed-in version of politics (kind of like an episode of Homeland ... obviously the world is very big and complicated and full of diverse players but somehow the whole damn thing rests on Carrie's shoulders), and predictable twists, you'll enjoy it.

Oh okay so this is about two spies, who happened to have a relationship once upon a time long ago in Vienna. But a super tragic and deadly terrorist attack pulls them apart - professionally and personally. Years and years later, they meet up in California to put the matter to rest once and for all.

Yeah, yeah. So I found it predictable. One of our main characters, Henry, is really.. truly... honestly... not a very good spy, bless his heart. I was reading the room from miles and miles away. I appreciated the effort, though, and the narrative requirement to make him a little... dumbish. It didn't actually make the story any less exciting, because I couldn't wait to get... there. You know, there. And it was awesome, and I absolutely loved the ending.

I saw a headline recently shouting that we love heist movies because they are basically competency porn. I wonder how we feel about spy novels - competency porn with a patriotic twist? Who knows, but I'm in the mood for more.

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