Review: Stolen Tongues

5 stars. I had a tricky job picking a rating for this book, because of one thing: it scared me. We'll get into it, but I've decided based on some valuable advice to adopt a new rule for my rating process. I already have one, and that is to automatically dock a star for a UDD - an Unnecessary Dog Death. My new rule, to be employed immediately, is to automatically add a star if a book actually spooks me. It's a very rare and very special event (lol that sounds so dramatic), when a book scares me, and I think it deserves recognition. 

Stolen Tongues is about a young couple, Felix and Faye, who are offered a cabin stay in the Rockies by her parents as an engagement gift. Things almost immediately start to go wrong, though, when they hear voices from outside - voices they recognize. Faye, who has always had sleep issues, starts to change and exhibit strange behavior. They leave, but it's not that easy - whoever, or whatever, terrorized them at the cabin follows them home. 

There's something truly amazing and odd about books that started as creepypastas. I've read two now - that I know of - that came from Reddit, and in both I was immediately struck by how strange the writing style seems. It's so informal, and amateur-sounding, kind of jarring, in a way that always makes me think like... is this bad? Is this right? But I should not be the dictating voice on what writing should be. It was just noticeable. And then, like, the very thing I sort of recoiled from actually made the book itself that much more effective, even scary? The cheesy dialogue became… endearing? The nonsensical, random plot points didn’t bother me? Life is full of surprises.

Don't get me wrong - this book isn't perfect. It would've earned a solid 4 stars except for the fact that I had to keep the light on after reading it. I really didn't like the character of Faye, and how useless she was. Recognizing she's the victim, and living through a terrible trauma, I would've related to her more had she acted more motivated to... fix the damn problem. And it's a pet peeve of mine when authors throw in exposition to explain a scary moment, versus the other way around? Like "this person had a nightmare." Opening of the next chapter: "this person started having nightmares at age 3." 

I also found the "twist" at the end, particularly related to the number 5, and the conclusion itself to be a little anticlimactic. Ultimately, too, maybe this book is a little long - there are a couple of sequences that are just strings of moments with no forward momentum. A little too repetitive. But OMG OMG OMG - it was so great. Don't listen to my nitpicking and criticizing - this is a must-read for horror fans. This is the type of book I want everyone to read so I can talk about it! Blackwell has an incredible talent for DESCRIBING MOMENTS. He is clearly a VERY thoughtful author, knows how to make you care, knows how to make you scared. I am so excited to read more of his work.

Stolen Tongues on: Amazon | | Goodreads